
9:30-17:30 (土・日・祝日 除く)


2023年06月29日 プレスリリース

船員デー(Day of the Seafarer )を記念したChatCard/Fleet Hotspotの特別キャンペーンのご案内                                                Exclusive offer for seafarers

Fleet BroadbandFleetXpressサービスをご利用の船舶にてご利用可能なChatCardの通話時間が33%増える特別キャンペーンが
7/2 23:59
(日本時間7/3 08:59)まで開催となります。


また、Fleet Hotspotサービスをご利用のお客様には利用権のご購入料金US$10(通常US$15となるキャンペーンも開催となりますので、併せてご案内を申し上げます。

Fleet Hotspot


To celebrate the Day of the Seafarer this year, seafarers will be able to enjoy 33% extra talk-time on FleetBroadband and Fleet Xpress ChatCards until 2 June 2023, 23:59 UTC.

Furthermore, all 1GB and 5-hour new Fleet Hotspot allowance purchased by seafarers from the Fleet Hotspot portal onboard during the same period will be available for US$10 instead of the usual US$15.

Powered by our industry-leading Fleet Xpress service, Fleet Hotspot is completely independent from your vessel’s bandwidth. With Fleet Hotspot your crew will have the freedom to access a dedicated Wi-Fi portal and manage internet access on their own devices. There’s no need for them to find a PC or wait in line to talk to their loved ones.

If you have any questions on the promotion, please ask your sales manager for details.

Kind Regards,
JSAT MOBILE Communications Inc.